Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just Give Up that Car

Just Give Up That Car

Letters to Editor, Ode to Possibilities: WimWenders artice , December 2007. http://www.odemagazine.com/

Back in April 2007, in one of the usual late spring snow storms that are a source of complete irritation to New Englanders, I slipped on ice that some folks were shoveling from the pavement on to the road. My car was completely totaled. I recall my sense of relief and remembered thinking “I’m free at last.”

I knew that to replace the car would require a very conscious decision on my part and one that I could not make in light of global warming. Even though the actions of 97% of the population are ignoring it no matter, one times one, times one, etc, is the way that social change occurs.

It is now December and the benefits that I have derived from giving up my car are incalculable and also unexpected. I walk 2-1/4 miles to work every day and then there are trips around town. In quite a short time my cholesterol dropped to the point I was taken off medication. I found that when my friends would complain about the cold weather I didn’t feel it, I assume my circulation must have improved; I eat less because I find that I no longer want to eat until I am bloated. In short I feel really energetic and alive! Those benefits would be enough on their own but there is more.

Choices have to be made about what I buy as I have to carry it, so I no longer buy bottled water or canned goods because of their weight and/or bulk. I decided to grow my own vegetables at a farm that is eight miles away and can be reached by train. Since it is a working farm I also buy my eggs and meat their too. I directly see how my food is being raised; the amount of waste I generate is greatly reduced; in particular plastic bags as the farms don’t have any.

When I had a car I was always in hurry, I assume because a car represents speed. I would race home from work and be home by 4:15 p.m. and wonder what now! Now I get to fewer places but it makes no difference to my overall life. In fact, because of walking instead of traveling by car, I recently found a wonderful independent coffee shop and a great yoga studio. As I walk, I hear the birds sing and see kids on their bikes and sometimes coyote, raccoons, spotted turtles, and blue heron. I don’t get irritated by the traffic and am not in a hurry, since the bus takes the time it does and my feet walk as fast as they can. I am much more relaxed. In short the world looks completely different traveling it on foot. You too should try it sometime. It is really not the big deal that you think and with a few adjustments, I doubt that your life would be too impacted either and plant earth would say a big Thank You! .

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