Saturday, April 12, 2008

Harold the Duck

A couple of weeks ago I went to Codman Community Farm in Lincoln, MA (our local farm) to see the new born lambs and goats. I went right up to the lambs but then the mother sheep seemed to be rather anxious and I backed off. As I was doing this something grabbed hold of my leg. I looked down to the see the best fed and groomed duck I have ever seen attached to my trouser leg. I could not get rid of him. I tried pushing him away with bag, no luck. I tried running, no luck. Then I thought I would run up the steps because he would not be able to follow me. Ha! Ha! That’s why God gave ducks wings, he half flew still attached to my trouser leg. As I got nearly to the top of the stairs I yelled out to a young man with a small child that he might want to be careful because I was being attacked by a duck.

“Oh! He said, you’ve met Harold.” “Who the hell is Harold I replied” to which he said “the duck that was attached to your leg and now isn’t. See how his tail is wagging, he wants you to pat him.” Apparently, Harold belonged to a volunteer at the farm and lived in her home. He had his own room even and arrives each day at the farm in style; riding in the back seat of her car. I figured at some point I would have to make peace with this duck. Today, I went to the farm’s open house. Harold was the star of the show. I found out that he LOVES having his belly stroked. But he really does not believe he is a duck. When you stop he cranes neck and gives you a tiny kiss or peck untill you resume again. Here are some pictures of Harold and the other animals who actually live on the farm.

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