Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One Week to Go: Uprising or Celebration

In 2009 I look forward with great joy to a new president and the hope that Congress gets its act together to support him in producing a new look and feel for our country.

Today's New York Times op ed suggested that we should have an uprising against the outgoing president. Because "this is the man who gave us the war in Iraq and Guantánamo and torture and rendition; who turned the Clinton economy and the budget surplus into fool’s gold; who dithered while New Orleans drowned; who trampled our civil liberties at home and ruined our reputation abroad; who let Dick Cheney run hog wild and thought Brownie was doing a heckuva job." Check out the entire piece at

The damage is done, the media do not even talk about him anymore, and our lasting image of him is OF the Iraqi journalist who throw a shoe at him; an apt visual for all that went wrong during his administration over the past eight years.

And so, I wonder do we show our anger (after all he was voted in despite his ineptitude or do we celebrate a new beginning?)

As the weeks wear on I constantly find pictures of Obama coming into my head and think how goal orientated he was and his "yes we can" has turned in my head to "Just do It." So America, lets get on with our lives, even though we are broke we can still make significant changes to our environment and lives we just have TO DO IT!

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